What can I do?

If you suspect a youth is involved in a trafficking or CSEC situation, or discloses they are, you can help in a number of ways.

It is important to remember that a youth in these situations are vulnerable and the situation can be very tenuous; DO NOT QUESTION THEM ANY FURTHER. Doing so can trigger a runaway situation, put them in danger, trigger major trauma reactions, and interfere with any law enforcement interviews which may be necessary to ensure the youth’s continued safety and exit from the ‘life’ and/or the streets.

Most Important

If it is an emergency situation, where the safety and welfare of the youth is in imminent jeopardy, contact 911 to report the situation.

If the youth resides with the trafficker, contact the NYS Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment to report the situation. This will lead to an investigation by the local Child Protective Services Agency

1-800-342-3720 Office of Children and Family Services

If you suspect a youth is a victim of commercial sexual exploitation (CSEC), you can make a referral to the Saratoga County Safe Harbour coordinator.

518-587-8008 ext.321 jkelly@saratogacff.org (Email)

If you see warning signs or want more information, contact CAPTAIN Youth and Family Services Safe Harbour and Street Outreach Case Manager


Develop a safety plan with the youth to ensure physical and emotional safety.