Anti-Trafficking Law:
The NYS Anti-Trafficking law established Human Trafficking as a state crime and established
a process to “confirm” victims of Human Trafficking under this state law. Confirmed victims,
if otherwise eligible, are eligible for benefits and services.
PDF of Human Trafficking legislation
Safe Harbor (Harbour) Law:
This law was created to protect sexually exploited children from being charged with a juvenile
delinquent (JD) offense, in appropriate cases. The law defines children who are involved in
these crimes as victims, not perpetrators. The Safe Harbor Law provides services to children
who have been sexually exploited.
Office of Children and Family Services hub for Safe Harbour information
Runaway and Homeless Youth Act:
NYS legislation for defining runaway and homeless youth, shelters, and enabling legislation. RHY programs have been serving trafficked and commercially sexually exploited youth as long as they have existed. They are able to provide necessary services to youth with few barriers.
Article 19-H Runaway and Homeless Youth act of 1978