Guardian Aces
I've long wanted to do a scrolling shooter. I loved those types of games as a kid, and there is definitely alot of interesting directions you can take the simple concept. My idea here was modular ship building, where you could unlock weapons and parts, that would affect handling, firepower, etc, and enemies would be made the same way! This would allow fun gameplay variations, random enemies, and all sorts of fun things. Perhaps shops to buy parts, or a roulette to get weapons!
Unfortunately I haven't quite gotten over scope creep, and this was FAR too much to do in a month. The beast got out of control, and none of the fun parts are visible or editable by the player at this point. The skeleton isn't bad, but overall this isn't a fun playable experience within a month of work, thus its a failure. As I wasn't able to even get a menu/ui done, I'll be pasting the credits below.
An Asenturisk Music Nation production (c) Dewan M.I. Mukto.
Ed is licensed under a Creative Commons License.